Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Recent Health News

Every day we learn about the news in the world of politics, fashion, show business, but few people know that the new was discovered in the world of health. Today we tell about the little discoveries of scientists who should take note.

1. fast food - aggression correlation.

Australian scientists have concluded that adolescents who are infatuated with "fast" food: hot dogs in dough, crackers, chips, soda, much more aggressive than those children who eat home food and love the fruits and vegetables. The researchers also noted that fans of fast food often fighting, foul words, cursing parents, fall into depression. Children who eat healthy food, it is easier going through adolescence, more obedient and friendly.

2. In the day to eat a spoonful of cod liver oil.

Certainly, most of us in childhood mother was forced to drink hated fish oil. And it turns out, not in vain. Fish oil helps to maintain an excellent memory, and attention to old age. American scientists have gone further and made an experiment. Within 6 months 485 men and women consumed cod liver oil. The researchers found that the additive rejuvenates the brain cells due to its contents docosahexaenoic acid. So, if you do not like fish oil in liquid form, try to use it in capsules.

3. A few extra pounds prolong life

It is known that overweight shortens the life and awards a whole bunch of diseases. But overweight. And a few extra pounds does not hurt. Evidence of this are the studies of Japanese scientists. They watched 50,000 people for 39 years, ranging from 40 to 79. Results have surprised not only to scientists. It turns out people who have a few extra pounds, live an average of 6-7 years longer than the thin, dieting. Surprise, and the fact that even people with little obese live 5 years longer than thin. Scientists explain this fact is that the thinness can lead to pneumonia and various diseases that cause fragility of blood vessels.

4. Saffron helps to cope with depression and other diseases

After-Vacation depression - a common phenomenon. Needless to say, people come from vacation and depressed. Why join the working mode is not so simple. Here begins depression or thoughts of resignation. Someone thinks scored for the holiday pounds and even more upset. All this can be avoided if your meals by adding saffron or consume a dietary supplement, in the which is this spice. Incidentally, this spice is considered one of the most expensive. The range of effects of saffron on the human body is very broad: it improves the metabolism, soothes the nervous system, helps to cope with fatigue, colds, overcome insomnia and get rid of the increased appetite. Also recommended saffron female, as a fighter with overweight and PMS. All apathetic and depressed individuals who do not know how to cope with stress, and mourners in a bad mood should especially pay attention to this spice. Since it is composed of a substance safrenal. It is thanks to him, in our body begins active hormone of happiness - serotonin.

By: Toronto Escort Agency Reviews